Inspired by Skateboarding, I began looking into Quaternions, which are a four-dimensional algebra commonly used to model rotations. Here I showcase the simulation tool that I built to model skateboarding rotations using Quaternions, as well as a video I created for the Steven Strogatz Prize in Math Communication. Additionally, I presented work related to this topic at MAA MathFest 2024.
MAA MathFest Presentation:
MoMath Video (Unlisted):
Simulation Source Code: https://github.com/tkl0000/quaternion-visualizer
Math Journal Website
Fully functional website for hosting articles for the River Hill High School Math Journal: https://rhhs-math-journal.com
Frontend: React Vite
Backend: ExpressJS
Tab Logger
Developed a lightweight Chrome extension (“Tab-logger”) using HTML/CSS/JavaScript to automatically track web browsing and search activity; used by undergraduate data-science students and graduate students to quantify students’ metacognitive process during problem-solving
Install / Source Code: https://github.com/tkl0000/tab-logger
Neural Nudge
Re-inventing memorization in the 21st Century; Work in Progress (WIP).